
Foto Emajõe sõudebaasi kailt. See foto pani mind lõplikult armastama must-valget. Kuigi ka värviliselt on see hea, minu jaoks. Pikka aega oli tegemist ühe minu lemmikfotoga.


Sony DSC-S40
f/2.8; 1/320; ISO-80; 5mm

Vaata veel

Steven vanaisaga

/Posted by: Andero
Olles vahetanud päris entry level APS-C kaamera veidi tõsisema poolkaadri vastu tuli korralikult õppida....

Loojang emajõel

/Posted by: Andero
Lugu selle foto taga on pikem ja foto enda "valmimine" võttis tegelikult aastaid. Olin...
Client: Jane Doe - WP Expert

He has completed two projects on my system and now we are doing other upgrades for site. Great to work with, good communications skills.


/Posted by: Andero
Elistvere loomapargi ilves oma...
Client: Jane Doe - Envato CEO

Fantastic product, my sites all run super fast and the support is excellent!

Loojang pedasel II

/Posted by: Andero
Hilise suveõhtu loojang kusagil Pedase kandis Põhja-Eestis. EXIF 10.05.2011 f/11; 1/6; ISO100;...
Client: John McDoe - Ceo GM

Once again a great freelancer complied with needs in every way. i recommend them

STALKER-i radadel

/Posted by: Andero
Seigeldes Viljandimaal ühel hallil ja udusel päeval, kui värve väga ei olnud sattusin sellise...
Client: Jane Doe

He is a very hard worker. He faced some frustrating issues with our project and overcame all obstacles! Great attitude and was always quickly available on Skype for discussion. Hire Him!

Paadid tuisus

/Posted by: Andero
Kui minna perega reisile siis ikka jalati võimalikult halva ilmaga. 2009 talv Eestis oli...
Client: John Doe - DB Expert

When he starts work with me, I wasn't sure he can do all my requirements, in a professional way, cus I know my system isn't that easy, it some how like a banking system, with many tiny details, Thanks.

Ämblik saagijahil

/Posted by: Andero
Algselt sai see foto tehtud värvilisena. Kuid mustvalgena on selles oluliselt rohkem sügavust ja...
Client: John McDoe

Very happy with the service. This was my first Freelancer project and they worked with me and walked me through everything. Would hire again!


/Posted by: Andero
Lähivõte ühe putuka kilbist. Omaette huvitav maailm. EXIF 28.06.2014 f/11; 1/160; ISO640;...

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